
JavaScript - Welcome to Disney


Web page with a list of Disney characters that we can filter by the character's name.

Descripción de la imagen

The “Welcome to Disney” project is a web application showcasing a collection of Disney characters. Built with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, this interactive website allows users to filter characters by their names, providing an engaging experience for Disney enthusiasts.

Key features include:

  • Dynamic Filtering: Utilizes JavaScript to dynamically filter and display Disney characters based on user input.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures seamless functionality across various devices and screen sizes, enhancing accessibility and user experience.
  • Custom Styling: Applies CSS for visually appealing and cohesive presentation of Disney characters and their information.
  • User Interaction: Incorporates interactive elements to improve usability, allowing users to explore and discover their favorite Disney characters effortlessly.

This project not only demonstrates proficiency in JavaScript programming and front-end web development techniques but also caters to fans of Disney characters, offering a delightful browsing experience.