
Vue&Laravel - Calendario tareas


A task scheduling and management application designed to streamline workflow and increase productivity.

Descripción de la imagen

Calendario Tareas is a comprehensive task scheduling and management application built with Vue.js for the frontend and Laravel for the backend. This application is designed to help users organize and manage their tasks efficiently.

Features include:

  • Task Scheduling: Users can create, update, and delete tasks with ease.
  • Calendar View: Provides a visual representation of tasks in a calendar format, making it easy to see upcoming tasks.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures compatibility and optimal display on all devices.
  • User Authentication: Secure login and registration system to protect user data.
  • Real-time Updates: Laravel and Vue.js work together to provide real-time updates and notifications.
  • Bootstrap Integration: Ensures a modern and responsive user interface.

This project demonstrates the powerful combination of Vue.js and Laravel to create a dynamic and user-friendly task management system.