
React - The 90's developers


Card generator for creating or searching projects from the 90s.

Descripción de la imagen

This project is a nostalgic card generator designed to create or search for projects from the 90s. Using React.js for dynamic user interfaces, JavaScript for functionality, and Scss for styling, it brings a retro vibe to modern web development.

Features include:

  • Card Creation: Easily create and customize project cards with information and visuals reminiscent of the 90s.
  • Project Search: Find and explore a variety of projects from the 90s, categorized and displayed in a user-friendly interface.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures the application looks great and works seamlessly on all devices.
  • Modern Technologies: Combines the power of React.js, JavaScript, Scss, and Html for a robust and maintainable codebase.

The project showcases a blend of modern web development practices with a retro theme, providing an engaging and fun user experience.